Collection: Samuel Blachley Webb papers (2024)

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Call Number:MS 539

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Scope and Contents

The Samuel Blachley Webb Papers consist of letterbooks, correspondence, journals, notebooks, orderly books, papers, and military records documenting the personal life and military career of Samuel Blachley Webb, who served in the American Revolutionary forces under Israel Putnam and George Washington. Notable correspondents include Joseph Barrell, Silas Deane Nathanael Otis, Timothy Pickering, Jonathan Trumbull, George Washington, and Catharine Hogeboom Webb.

SERIES I, LETTERBOOKS, 1764-1807, consists of two sections: General and Webb, Catharine Hogeboom. General contains nine volumes of correspondence and papers relating to Samuel Webb, his family, military and mercantile career from 1764-1807. Volumes one through eight are arranged in chronological order (boxes 1-8). Volume nine (box nine) contains material spanning the years 1773-90. Webb, Catharine Hogeboom contains two volumes (boxes 10-11) of correspondence Webb and his second wife exchanged from 1787-1801.

SERIES II, CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS, 1756-1819, is arranged in two sections: General and Barrell, Joseph. General (box 12) consists of letters written to Webb, as well as his copies of selected outgoing correspondence. Barrell, Joseph (box 13) consists of correspondence and papers from Joseph Barrell to Samuel B. Webb, 1778-1801.

SERIES III, JOURNALS, NOTEBOOKS, AND MISCELLANEA, 175T-1805, is arranged in three sections: Webb, Samuel Blachley; Leslie, Alexander; and Lyman, Phineas. Webb, Samuel Blachley consists of a diary, journals and notebooks dating from 1775-1803. Diaries include the printed text for Stoddardfs Diary (The Columbia ALMANACK) from 1796-1803 and Webb's personal entries for scattered periods throughout these same years. Descriptions of family life, including the untimely death of his eldest daughter, and his local participation in the presidential election of 1802 are included.

A journal (1776-77) maintained by Webb from March 1, 1776 to December, 1777 describes his military actions and that of the American Revolutionary forces during this period, and includes information on British troop activities. A journal of orders, June 21, 1776 - August 8, 1776, contains a detailed recording of military orders, practices, and observations while Webb was in the service of General George Washington. Notebooks :for the years 1775-1807 generally detail the personal expenses Webb incurred.

Leslie, Alexander contains an orderly book of the British army captured at some point in 1776, and apparently the property of Brigadier General Alexander Leslie.

Lyman, Phineas contains an order book of this Major General and Colonel of "the troops raised by the Colony of Connecticut to act in conjunction with his Majesty's Regular Troops, under the command of his Excellency the Earl of Londoun."


  • 1756-1819


  • Webb, Samuel Blachley, 1753-1807

Conditions Governing Access

The materials are open for research.

Existence and Location of Copies

Selected correspondence is published in Family Letters of Samuel Blachley Webb (1912).

Selected correspondence and journals are published in Correspondence and Journals of Samuel Blachley Webb (1893-1894), 3 vols.

Conditions Governing Use

Unpublished materials authored or otherwise produced by the creator(s) of this collection are in the public domain. There are no restrictions on use. Copyright status for other collection materials is unknown. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.) beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The Webb Papers were given to Yale University Library by Mrs. William Seward Webb, Col. G. Creighton Webb, F. Egerton Webb, and the children of General Alexander Stewart Webb in 1936. The papers were originally given as The Webb Papers. They have been divided into three collections: The Samuel Blachley Webb Papers, The Alexander Stewart Webb Papers. The James Watson Webb Papers.


Arranged in three series: I. Letterbooks, 1764-1807. II. Correspondence and Papers, 1756-1819. III. Journals, Notebooks, and Miscellanea, 1757-1805.


16.5 Linear Feet (15 boxes)

Language of Materials


Catalog Record

A record for this collection is available in Orbis, the Yale University Library catalog

Persistent URL

Additional Description


The Webb papers consist of letterbooks, correspondence, journals, notebooks, orderly books, papers, and military records documenting the personal life and military career of Samuel Blachley Webb, who served in the American Revolutionary forces under Israel Putnam and George Washington. Notable correspondents include: Joseph Barrell, Silas Deane, Nathanael Greene, Alexander Hamilton, Robert Morris, Samuel Otis, Timothy Pickering, Jonathan Trumbull, George Washington, and Catharine Hogeboom Webb.

Biographical / Historical

Samuel Blachley Webb was born in Wethersfield, Connecticut on December 15, 1753. His mother later married Silas Deane, whom Webb served as private secretary. In 1775 Webb was appointed aide to General Israel Putnam and in 1776 was made aide-de-camp to General George Washington, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He wrote the order making public the Declaration of Independence, was a prisoner of the British for three years (1777-1781), served as grand marshall at Washington's inauguration, and was a merchant from 1789 until his death in Claverack, New York on December 3, 1807.

Appendix: List of Correspondents

  1. Alexander, William (Lord Stirling), 1726-1783
  2. Alsop, John, 1730-1794
  3. Ames,Fisher, 1758-1808
  4. Axtell, Willam, 1720-1795
  5. Babco*ck,Henry, 1736-1800
  6. Bache,Theopylact, 1734-1807
  7. Bancker, Sarah, 1731-1785
  8. Barrell, Joseph, 1740-1804
  9. Bard, Dr. Samuel, 1742-1821
  10. Baylor, George 1752-1784
  11. Bayard, James lsheton, 1767-1815
  12. Bayard, Nicholas, 1736-1802
  13. Beatty, John, 1749-1826
  14. Beekman, John, 1720-1774
  15. Beers, Nathan, 1753-1849
  16. Biddle, Clement, 1740-1814
  17. Broome, John, 1738-1810
  18. Bulfinch, Dr. Thomas, 1728-1802
  19. Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836
  20. Campbell, Sir Archibald, 1739-1791
  21. Charlton, John 1736-1806
  22. Chenevard, John, 1733-1805
  23. Clarkson, Matthew. 1759-1S25
  24. Clinton, Gov. George, 1739-1812
  25. Cochran, Dr, John, 1730-1807
  26. Cogsvell, Thomas, 1740-1810
  27. Constable, William, 1752-1803
  28. Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume St. Jean de,
  29. Dalton, Tristran, 1738-1817
  30. Deane, Silas, 1737-1789
  31. Dering, Sylvester, 1758-1820
  32. Dexter, John Singer, 1764-1844
  33. Duane, James, 1733-1797
  34. Duert William, 1747-1799
  35. Durkee, John, 1728-1782
  36. Duyckinck, James, 1741-1822
  37. Duyckinck, John, 1734-1812
  38. Fish, Nicholas, 1758-1833
  39. Flint, Royal, 1754-1797
  40. Freeman, Jonathan, 1745-1808
  41. Caine, Hugh, 1726-1807
  42. Gates, Gen. Horatio, 1728-1806
  43. Goodrich, Elihu Chauncey, 1764-1802
  44. Greene, Nathanael, 1742-1786
  45. Griffin, Cyrus, 1748-1810
  46. Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804
  47. Hand, Edward, 1744-1802
  48. Harrison, Richard, 1760-1841
  49. Harrison, Robert Hanson, 1745-1790
  50. Hazen, Moses, 1733-1802
  51. Heath, William, 1737-1814
  52. Hindman, William, 1743-1822
  53. Hodgden, Samuel d.1824
  54. Hogeboom Stephen, 1744-1814
  55. Hosmer, Hezekiah Lord, 1765-1814
  56. Hosmer, Titus, 1736-1780
  57. Houstoun, Jolm, 1744-1796
  58. Howe, Major Gen. Robert, d.1785
  59. Hubbard, Nehemiah, 1732-1837
  60. Hwnphreys, David, 1752-1818
  61. Huntington, Ebenezer, 1754-1834
  62. Huntington, Jedidiah, 1743-1818
  63. Imley, William, 1743-1807
  64. Izard, Henry, 1771-1826
  65. Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809
  66. Jackson, James, 1757-1806
  67. Jay, Mary, 1736-1824
  68. Keen, John, 1756-1795
  69. Keese, John, 1755-1809
  70. King, Rufus, 1755-1827
  71. Lee, Henry, 1756-1818
  72. L'Enfant, Peter Charles, 1755-1825
  73. leonard, Rev. Abiel, 1740-1778
  74. Leslie, Alexander, 1740-1794
  75. Livingston, Catharine Ridley, 1751-1813
  76. Livingston, Edward, 1764-1836
  77. Livingston, Henry, 1752-1823
  78. Livingston, Henry Brockholst, 1757-1823
  79. Livingston, Henry Walter, 1768-1810
  80. Livingston, John R., 1755-1851
  81. Livingston, Philip, 1740-1810
  82. Livingston,Philip, 1741-1787
  83. Livingston, Chancellor Robert R., 1746-1813
  84. Livingston, Walter, 1740-1797
  85. Livingston, Gov. William, 1723-1790
  86. Livingston, William, Jr., 1754-1817
  87. Livingston, William Smith, 1755-1790
  88. Loudon, Samuel, 1727-1813
  89. Loring, Joshua, 1737-1789
  90. Ludlow, Daniel, 1750-1814
  91. McDougall, Alexander, 1731-1786
  92. McEvers, Charles, 1739-1809
  93. Middleton, Henry, 1770-1846
  94. Mifflin, Thomas, 1744-1800
  95. Moore, Benjamin, 1748-1816
  96. Morris, Jacob, 1755-1844
  97. Morris, Lewis, Jr., 1750-1824
  98. Morris, lewis Richard, 1760-1825
  99. Morris, Richard, 1730-1810
  100. Moustier, Eleonore Francois Elie, marquis de, 1751-1817
  101. Mumford, Thomas, 1728-1779
  102. Murray, Lindley, 1745-1826
  103. Olcott, George, 1751-1841
  104. Otis, Samuel Alleyne, 1740-1814
  105. Parsons, Samuel Holden, 1737-1789
  106. Philipse, Frederick, 1746-1785
  107. Phillips, William, 1731-1781
  108. Pickering Timothy, 1745-1829
  109. Pinckney, Charles, 1758-1824
  110. Pintard, Lewis, 1732-1818
  111. Platt, Hiehard, 1764-1832
  112. Reed, Joseph, 1741-1785
  113. Remsen, Henry, 1736-1792
  114. Roosevelt, Isaac, 1726-1794
  115. Sands, Cornelia (Lott), 1761-1856
  116. Sage, Comfort, 1731-1799
  117. Sargent, Winthrop, 1753-1820
  118. Sehuyler, Philip Jeremias, 1768-1835
  119. Schuyler, Philip -John, 1733-1804
  120. Sears, Isaac, 1729-1786
  121. Simpson, John, 1730-1777
  122. Sitgreaves, John, 1740-1802
  123. Skinner, Abraham, 1750-1825
  124. Smith, Janet, 1730-1819
  125. Smith, Thoms, 1745-1809
  126. Smith, William, 1728-1793
  127. Smith, William Stephens, 1755-1816
  128. Splight, Richard obbs, 1758-1802
  129. Spencer, Ambrose, 1765-1848
  130. Steuben, Frederick William Augustus Henry Ferdinand von, 1730-1794
  131. Stevens, John, 1749-1838
  132. Stewart, Col. Walter, 1756-1796
  133. Sullivan, James, 1744-1808
  134. Suillvan, John, 1740-1795
  135. Swan, James, 1754-1881
  136. Swift, Heman, 1733-1814
  137. Tallmadge, Benjamin, 1754-1835
  138. Temple, Sir John, 1732-1798
  139. Tilghnnn, Tench, 1744-1786
  140. Thomas, David, 1762-1831
  141. Thompson, William, 1725-1781
  142. Trumbull, John, 1756-1843
  143. Trumbull, Jonathan, 1710-1785
  144. Trumbull, Jonathan, 1740-1809
  145. Tudor, Elihu, 1732-1826
  146. Van Cortlandt, Augustus, b.1728
  147. Varnum, James Mitchell, 1748-1789
  148. Verplanck, Guilan, 1750-1799
  149. Wadsworth, Jeremiah, 1743-1804
  150. Walker, Robert, 1745-1810
  151. Walton, Gerard, 1741-1821
  152. Waddington, Joshua, 1755-1844
  153. Walton, William, 1731-1796
  154. Washington, George, 1732-1799
  155. Washington, Martha Curtis, 1732-1802
  156. Watson, James, 1750-1806
  157. Watts, John, 1749-1836
  158. Webb, Catherine Hogeboom, 1765-1805
  159. Webb, Joseph, 1700-1791
  160. Webb, Mehitabel, 1757-1796
  161. Wignall, Thomas, 1753-1803
  162. Williams, Otho Holland, 1749-1794
  163. Williams, Samuel William, 1752-1812
  164. Wimple, Walter Vrooman, 1751-1798
  165. Winslow, John, 1753-1819

  • Account books
  • Ames, Fisher, 1758-1808
  • Barrell, Joseph, 1739-1804
  • Deane, Silas, 1737-1789
  • Diaries
  • Greene, Nathanael, 1742-1786
  • Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804
  • Heath, William, 1737-1814
  • Husband and wife
  • Livingston, Brockholst, 1757-1823
  • Livingston, Edward, 1764-1836
  • McDougall, Alexander, 1732-1786
  • Merchants
  • Morris, Lewis, 1754-1824
  • Morris, Robert, 1734-1806
  • New York (State) -- Economic conditions
  • Otis, Samuel Allyne, 1740-1814
  • Peekskill (N.Y.) -- History
  • Pickering, Timothy, 1745-1829
  • Pinckney, Charles, 1757-1824
  • Pintard, Lewis, 1732-1818
  • Soldiers
  • Spencer, Ambrose, 1765-1848
  • Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin, Baron von, 1730-1794
  • Trumbull, Jonathan, 1710-1785
  • United States -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775
  • United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783
  • Wadsworth, Jeremiah, 1743-1804
  • Washington, George, 1732-1799
  • Webb, Samuel Blachley, 1753-1807
Guide to the Samuel Blachley Webb papers
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July 2008
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Samuel Blachley Webb Papers (MS 539). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.

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Samuel Blachley Webb Papers (MS 539). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library. Accessed August 31, 2024.


Collection: Samuel Blachley Webb papers (2024)
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